Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Season's Greetings and Succesmaker

Hello Families,

   First of all, thank you so much for the kind donations! The gifts to you have been wrapped, our hot chocolate party was a success, and we are getting excited to spread cheer with our school service project of cleaning desks and leaving a note and a candy cane. I really appreciate all of your support.

Please enjoy the time off to celebrate and enjoy family and friends. If you are looking for something academic for your student, there are 3 options.
One, please keep reading and logging in reading minutes on Road to Success.

 Two, we use a program called Successmaker in class. Did you know you can access it at home? Here is the link:
Student username is their first name and last initial. example: leslies
The password is "1." It doesn't always work properly so no worries if you're having technical difficulties. We are still working on full access.

Three, this would be a great time to work on the IB Leadership award due in May. The information can be found here:

I am so thankful for this class of 1st graders. Thanks for all you do. Relax and enjoy the time off.

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