Saturday, April 25, 2015

Notes from the 1st grade

Hello Families,
    We officially have only 27 days left of school. Wow! Time flies! The kids are getting ready for 2nd grade more and more each day.
Here are a few notes:
1) I sent Scholastic book orders home Friday. There are some great deals in these. If you'd like to order, go to and our class code is KGKTL.
2) We are getting closer to our goal to have everyone log their reading minutes and do their homework each Friday but there is still about a third of the class not logging in reading minutes. If everyone does this AND does their homework, each student will earn a Smencil as an incentive!
3) Our caterpillars are getting BIG and FURRY! I predict we might have some cocoons this week. This has been such a fun project for our class.
4) Thanks so much to the parents who emailed me about coming on our field trip. I could use one or two more parents so please let me know if you can make it. Our field trip is the Tuesday after Memorial Day.
5) I am really enjoying the stories the kids are writing and bringing in to share with our class. Keep that great writing coming!
6) The IB Leadership Awards are due soon! I have received two already! Please have your student bring in their form so I can initial the tasks accomplished in class. If you need a copy of the guidelines, please reference the Hawthorn website under "Students" then "IB Leadership."
7) If your student is in the Magic Spellers group, that has concluded for the year. Spelling instruction will be all whole class from now on.
8) Thanks for supporting your student!
-Mrs. Steele

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