Saturday, March 14, 2015

We did it!

Hello Families,
   Here are some notes and news from Room 122.

1. We did it! We raised enough money to purchase TWO wheelchairs for the Free Wheelchair Mission! Thanks to the 1st graders at Hawthorn, two people now have the gift of mobility. I thank you for helping teach your student about helping others. This is truly an accomplishment.

2. We are beginning our new IB unit on Monday. This one is all about How the World Works and features lessons about the scientific method and experiments. We will be having class caterpillars (which will become butterflies) in April. Be sure to ask your student about it.

3. Friday is the Hops for Hawthorn fundraiser after school. I highly encourage the students to participate. Please see the packet sent home at conferences or the HOPE website for more info.

4. Don't forget about the IB Leadership Award! If you have questions about the ones passed off at school, please let me know and I'll be happy to initial your student's paper. May will be here before we know it.

5. Tuesday, March 24th are spring pictures. These are not mandatory, but if you'd like your child to participate, information went home in the folders on Friday.

6. Check out the site for great book deals. Our class code is KGKTL.

7. I am collecting small dollar store or Target dollar spot items for our class treasure chest. Your help is appreciated. Thank you!

10 more school days until spring break! We can do it! Thank you for all you do.
-Mrs. Steele

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