Hi parents,
Please sign up for a conference time sometime this week. Here is the link: https://webmail.hawthornacademy.org/owa/redir.aspx?C=DkfdMPki-k6cA6_qiDT9UwmNOAhcn9EIjU_tzAxud-r2fMS6pN8cP40VUTqfjVKviVtU0hEFCkw.&URL=https%3a%2f%2fdocs.google.com%2fspreadsheet%2fccc%3fkey%3d0AtjEZqVWOLtldC1oVU1rRzZaMnhEUjlZT0tzVmpzQ0E%26usp%3dsharing
I am trying to sign up for a time but when I click the link above it takes me to a outlook login screen I am not sure of the login info?
ReplyDeleteTry using the link in the email, or I think you can thru Hawthorn's website. ��