Sunday, September 28, 2014

Glad to meet you!

It was so nice meeting you all at conferences this week. You should all be very proud of your students. This week we will be starting our subtraction unit and wrapping up our first IB unit about community helpers and the common good. Remember to keep reading and logging in on Road to Success. Our class came in 2nd last week! Yay!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A very Grand week!

What a fun week we are having in 1st grade. We are working on personal goal booklets that the students will share with you during conferences. It was great meeting the students' grandparents today. They loved the 1st grade "classroom tours." Please note Thursday is an early out day and there is no school Friday. See you Wednesday or Thursday!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

First Grade Rocks! Best Class Ever!

The title of this post comes from the lyrics of our class song we sing at the end of the day Fridays...and every word is true! We have lots going on this week!

1) If you have not signed up for a conference yet, please do! 

2) We came in 3rd place on the Road to Success minutes this week at Hawthorn! Yay! Thank you for helping your student log each evening.

3) We are collecting Box Tops to help our school. The first dress down day is Friday and I am giving out wrist bands tomorrow to the students who qualify for dress down for bringing in box tops. If your student doesn't receive one, bring in some box tops next week in a baggie labeled with their name and they can try to earn one next month.

4) On Friday new Scholastic book orders are going home. There are great deals in these and our class code is KGKTL  if you wish to order online.

Thank you for all you do! I just love the community at Hawthorn!

-Mrs. Steele

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Goldfish Graphing

We had so much fun with our "Fun Friday" activity yesterday.....

we collected "data" and graphed the results!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Addition, and Phonograms, and Communuity Helpers: Oh my!

The 1st graders are doing a great job this week. Here is our board this morning working on our best handwriting. Please reinforce this concept at home as we really want the students to have excellent penmanship.They are rocking their phonograms!
Thank you so much for being on top of the reading logging for Road to Success! Let's make it a class goal to have the most minutes per week in the school! Keep reading!

The students loved Pizza Friday last week. If you would like your student to have pizza, please make sure there is money in their lunch account (this is the easiest way) or submit an envelope with payment ($1.50/slice) on Friday with their name on it. Also, Friday mornings I ask the kids if they are getting pizza, please make sure your student knows if they are to get it or not.

On Friday I will be sending home picture retake forms. The date and information are on these forms.

Some people wanted a clarification on folders. They come to school Monday empty and go home Monday evening with new homework. They come back on Friday to school with the completed homework packet and will go home that day with their work from the week or any other school fliers.

The students made community "buildings" today in art using the toilet paper rolls many of you donated. This goes along with our IB unit of "Sharing the Planet."

I have been updating Aspire grades throughout the week. PLEASE update your contact info in Aspire so that you are getting all the necessary information.

This class is wonderful. I love coming in each morning! Please let me know if you need anything.

Mrs. Steele