THANK YOU so much to the wonderful Pumpkin Day helpers! The 1st graders had a blast and learned a lot! Here's some snapshots from the fun:
Next week is the Halloween Parade and festivities! A few things to note:
-We will have our spelling test on THURSDAY the 29th next week (I think students perform best when not in costume, haha!)
-Also on Thursday is Math Night. See you then!
-Friday the 30th students may come to school in costume for the school parade. No makeup or masks please. Then students will change into Box Top dress down (Hawthorn shirt, jeans) for the remainder of the day including our party. This is school policy and keeps their costumes looking nice for trick or treating.
Thank you for responding about your student heritage. Please keep the responses coming.
Did you know ordering from Scholastic books helps our class earn free books? Shop at, go to book clubs and our class code is KGKTL.
Are you crafty? I am looking for a parent to create an "IB Action Cycle" bulletin board for our classroom. I have a sample picture and a template for you. I am also looking for a parent to make individual baggies of playdoh for us. Please let me know if you can assist.
You are wonderful! Thank you for supporting your Hawthorn student. The class has already learned so much so far this year.