Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Weekly News

Hello Families,
     THANK YOU so much to the wonderful Pumpkin Day helpers! The 1st graders had a blast and learned a lot! Here's some snapshots from the fun:

Next week is the Halloween Parade and festivities! A few things to note:
-We will have our spelling test on THURSDAY the 29th next week (I think students perform best when not in costume, haha!)
-Also on Thursday is Math Night. See you then!
-Friday the 30th students may come to school in costume for the school parade. No makeup or masks please. Then students will change into Box Top dress down (Hawthorn shirt, jeans) for the remainder of the day including our party. This is school policy and keeps their costumes looking nice for trick or treating. 

Thank you for responding about your student heritage. Please keep the responses coming.

Did you know ordering from Scholastic books helps our class earn free books? Shop at Scholastic.com, go to book clubs and our class code is KGKTL.

Are you crafty? I am looking for a parent to create an "IB Action Cycle" bulletin board for our classroom. I have a sample picture and a template for you. I am also looking for a parent to make individual baggies of playdoh for us. Please let me know if you can assist. 

You are wonderful! Thank you for supporting your Hawthorn student. The class has already learned so much so far this year. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Our Classroom Heritage

Dear parents,
We are exploring maps and globes as part of our Social Studies unit ‘Where We are in Place and Time’.   In order to embrace the diversity within my classroom, I would like to learn more about where your family originates. If you could take just a moment to tell me where your family heritage comes from or what part of the world you identify with, whether another country, state or even our home state, it would help our class develop personaI connections to being a global citizen. You can leave a comment on this post or email me. Please send in responses by Thursday, October 22nd. If you have pictures or anything else to share, your student is welcome to bring them in. 

I appreciate you taking the time to assist us with this unit! 

Dates Coming Up

Hello Families,
     I can't believe this week begins Fall Break, wow! Tomorrow also marks the 40th day of school. Time flies when you're having fun (and learning a lot). Homework will resume again next week. Please remember to initial your child's reading calendar for full homework credit. Also, we have a class goal to try and win the Road to Success trophy so please log minutes there as well. There are a few dates coming up of importance:

Tomorrow, Wed. Oct. 14th: Pumpkin Day! Many of you signed up to bring an item to donate or help volunteer. THANK YOU! The 1st graders can't wait for this memorable and fun afternoon.

Thurs 10/15-Fri 10/16: No School, Fall Break

Friday, 10/23: No school, teacher work day

Thurs, 10/29: Haunted Hawthorn Math Night. Stop by and play a fun math game in the classroom. No costumes please.

Fri, 10/30: School Halloween Costume Parade/Class Halloween Party. The parade will be at 8:30. Our class party will be 11:30-12:45. PLEASE if at all possible, send your student to school in their uniform (or Box Top dress down if they've brought box tops in) UNDER their costume. School Policy requires all students to be out of costume immediately following the costume parade. Please make sure to put your child's name on their belongings. We would hate to lose a costume in the shuffle of changing.

Please continue working on reading and writing with your 1st grader. I am privileged to be their teacher.

Friday, October 9, 2015

New IB Unit

Hello Families,
    Our new IB Unit centers around this big idea: "Various factors contribute to create change within communities over time." We are focusing on maps, environments, and weather.
Ask your student about the fun lessons and activities we are doing with this unit.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

News & Notes

Hello Families,
   Here is some info about what is coming up.

1) There will be NO homework next week because next week is Fall Break and there is no school Thursday and Friday.
2) Please remember to initial your student's reading calendar to earn reading points each week.
3) I have made copies of the IB Leadership Award criteria and will be sending it home with the next homework packet. You can also find the list on the school website under "IB Leadership."
4) Pumpkin Day will be next Wednesday. Thank you to those who signed up with our room moms to assist or donate.
5) Our class Halloween Party is Friday, Oct. 30th. Students will come to school in costume, wear the costume for the school parade, and then change into either their uniform or Box Top dress down for the remainder of the day. This way the costume will stay nice for Trick or Treating later. This is a school policy.
6) Check out scholastic.com and use our class code KGKTL for great deals.

Thanks for all you do. It was great speaking with you all at conferences last week.